Saturday, May 23, 2020

AFWERX DownSelect - RevWare - Request for Help

May 23, 2020

DoD Communities of Interest: Materials and Manufacturing Processes



Subject: AFWERX DownSelect - RevWare - Request for Help



Due Date: ASAP NLT 30 June



Government Organization:  AFWERX



Congratulations to Tom Welsh and RevWare for being down selected by AFWERX Challenge “Enabling Technologies for Reverse Engineering and Additive/Agile Manufacturing,” and invited to participate in its Showcase event in Las Vegas in July.



In preparation for this event, Tom is looking for potential teammates to bolster his solution. Additionally, it would be helpful if you could review his paper and comment on line as AFWERX considers this in its overall evaluation.



You cannot go directly to the page unless you are logged in and to do that you must create an account, that I recommend you do. The main page for AFWERX, and where you can login/create and account is: 



The direct link to the received submissions page where you can find Tom’s paper is:


Tom’s submission is titled “Commercially Proven Precise Reverse Engineering System”. There are a lot of them, so you will have to scroll down or use the key word search function.


Please consider taking 5 minutes to review and comment. It will help out one of our fellow North Carolinians.



Tom's Contact Info Follows. Call or email him if you would like to discuss.


Tom Welsh


(919) 790-0000






Questions or assistance, contact:



North Carolina Defense Technology Transition Office (DEFTECH)



Dennis Lewis




Bob Burton
