North Carolina Tech Scouting and Technology Transition Acceleration Program



DEFTECH launched the "Technology, Innovation, Demonstration, and Experimentation" program entitled: DEFTECH TIDE.  TIDE provides an opportunity for technology developers to demonstrate and experiment with new and evolving technological capabilities in an operationally relevant environment and obtain government customer insights into federal technology gaps and emerging needs.

DEFTECH TIDE is a four-phased program.  

Phases 1-3 are quarterly, and Phase 4 is an annual event.

Phase 1: Request for Quad Charts through the TIDE RFI.  Canvas NC for innovative technologies that address complex national security problems at a technology readiness level (TRL) of 4 or greater.

Phase 2: Collaborate with federal innovation outreach offices to catalog and share technology approaches to increase awareness of the NC Innovation Ecosystem.  Work to align TIDE Events with SBIR/STTR phases and schedules for federal agencies to build predictability.

Phase 3: Present technology areas that meet emerging federal requirements to a panel of government experts at the Future Advanced Technology Quarterly (FATQ) meetings. 

Phase 4: Annual event to demonstrate/experiment in an operationally relevant environment with military operators.


1. Connect on the problem and collaboratively iterate critical technology solutions to solve Warfighter needs.
2. Build a cyclical program in NC to showcase emerging technology solutions and baseline current technological approaches.
3. Create external partnerships and teaming opportunities across the national Defense Industrial Base (DIB).