Friday, February 28, 2020

COVID-19 Portal

Raleigh, NC
Feb 28, 2020

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For questions or more info, contact Emil Runge, First Flight Venture Center, 404-668-2136,



BARDA is providing a portal for the U.S. government 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) medical countermeasures task force to provide a single point of entry for the submission of market research packages from interested stakeholders. 

The portal website is:

At this time, BARDA is asking for a very brief (500-word) description of your product or technology, accompanied by a brief white paper, slide deck, manuscript, or other non-confidential information of your choosing. Please note that while BARDA will use any information you present as market research, submission is no guarantee of funding and your submission will be shared across U.S. Government agencies involved in nCoV medical countermeasure research and development.