Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Collaborative Autonomy: A Tactical Offset Strategy

Raleigh, NC

ARL intelligent systems S&T is leading to a tactical offset strategy for operations in a range of challenging settings.

by Dr. Brian M. Sadler

The desire for a third offset strategy has been a major focus of DOD science and technology (S&T) discussion for the past few years. While the Navy and Air Force primarily face issues related to large-scale, extended-range operations, the Army must address a different set of long-term challenges in complex operational scenarios. These notably include megacities and other perplexing domains such as subterranean and jungle environments. It is not difficult to envision a megacity in a developing nation facing a quicksand of natural disaster, failing infrastructure, tribal conflict and fast-spreading disease, and the subsequent call for Army operations. Other potential scenarios may prove equally challenging, complex and risky. These expeditionary Army operations likely will entail high-risk and slow operational tempo (OPTEMPO), be manpower intensive and require difficult large-scale logistic deployment.

The application of man-unmanned machine teaming (MUM-T) and autonomous systems is a potential offset strategy. Many recent studies and workshops (e.g., the Defense Science Board, the National Academies, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Army Science Board and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)) have reinforced the operational and technological potential of MUM-T. It is clear that if successfully developed, autonomy offers leap-ahead capability and the potential for a third offset in sea and air operations. Distributed collaborative autonomous systems, teamed with Soldiers, offers a tactical offset strategy; a means to operate in complex urban and other domains at high tempo, with significantly reduced risk, and with fewer Soldiers.

***read the rest of the article at: http://asc.army.mil/web/news-alt-amj17-collaborative-autonomy/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ***

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