We’re excited to host a hybrid DEFTECH Christmas Special Coffee Call, where you can participate in person or virtually! Featuring discussions on federal technology opportunities, insights from Department of Defense representatives on their biggest challenges for 2025, and an in-person networking session to foster collaboration and connections.
Event Details: Please Register and select “In-Person” or “Virtual”
In-Person: SmaBio Labs | 104 TW Alexander Dr Building 18 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, Durham, NC 27711
Virtual: Virtual Meeting Link to be provided via email prior to the event.
Event Agenda
8:00 – 9:00 AM (EST): Open Discussions and Federal Technology Opportunities
9:00 – 10:00 AM (EST): Department of Defense: Challenges Going Into 2025
10:00 – 11:00 AM (EST): Networking Session (In-Person Only)
Why Attend?
For questions or assistance, contact the North Carolina Defense Technology Transition Office (DEFTECH)
Bob Burton | DEFTECH Director | burtonr@ncmbc.us | 910-824-9609
TJ Gilroy | DEFTECH Program Manager | gilroyt@ncmbc.us | 910-638-4489
Jaycie Beam | DEFTECH Program Support Specialist | beamj@ncmbc.us