We’re excited to welcome the Small Business Administration (SBA) to share an invaluable overview of their mission to empower small businesses and drive defense innovation. This session will include a 101-level introduction to SBA’s objectives and focus areas, practical guidance on how businesses and innovators can engage with SBA’s programs, and an in-depth look at MySBA Certifications, the ultimate resource for small business certifications. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how SBA supports North Carolina innovators, helping them connect with federal initiatives, catalyze innovation, and deliver capabilities that directly benefit our Warfighters.
Event Details: Register Here
This is a free webinar; however, pre-registration is required in order to receive the virtual platform credentials.
Event Agenda
8:00 – 9:00 AM (EST): Open Discussions and Federal Technology Opportunities from DEFTECH
9:00 – 10:00 AM (EST): An Overview of the Small Business Administration
Why Attend?
For questions or assistance, contact the North Carolina Defense Technology Transition Team (DEFTECH)
Bob Burton, DEFTECH Director | burtonr@ncmbc.us | 910-824-9609
TJ Gilroy, DEFTECH Program Manager | gilroyt@ncmbc.us | 910-638-4489
Jaycie Beam, DEFTECH Program Support Specialist | beamj@ncmbc.us | 910-882-2027